Thursday, May 20, 2010

I Am An Indian! may be this is the only best way to introduce myself! i know all the people of India loves this line because in their life time they may announced like this! that may be the greatest moment in their life. Because in all other time they may identified by a Hindu or a Muslim or a Cristian. But now the time is to identify ourselves as Indians. Only India is a country which is fighting against terrorism in the way of rules and regulation. best example is Afzal Guru! each and every Indian want to kill him by his own hand. but the question is why the government don't like this??? aren't the are Indians?? it is the 1st duty that we have to maintain the reputation of our India. so my request to all Indians that please rise their voice. don't support terrorism by giving excuse to terrorists. Please be an INDIAN. give me support by raising your voice!!!!

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